
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sarah Palin 2012: The Craze Continues

I think that this Sarah Palin stuff has gotten way out of hand. I, like most liberals, hoped she'd quietly walk away from the loss in 2008 and stay out of the spotlight she never really deserved in the first place. It is abundantly obvious that she would be incapable of being President, let alone Vice President. I am going to list some examples that illustrate my point, just to make it abundantly clear that it is not, as Republicans like to say, "just a theory," and that this is somehow different from absolute truth. Oh yeah, and I'm not even going to discuss the allegations brought forth by either Levi Johnston or author John Heilemann because Levi is a pretty big tool and because I haven't read "Game Change" yet. I'm gonna try to get on that. Without further ado, here's the examples:

Here's a recent clip of Glenn Beck interviewing Sarah Palin. To put it lightly, she mangles the answer. I like how obvious it is that she's stalling for time trying to think of anyone to name and then finally she's all, "GEORGE WASHINGTON LULZ". This isn't, by far, the worst of the examples, just a more recent one that proves, if anything, that she's still currently made of fail (this one's for all the Palin apologists who claim that she's somehow more intelligent/informed now than during the campaign). Sorry for the low quality and the Glenn Beck prattling there at the end. I didn't edit this video.

Next of course are a few clips from the now-infamous Couric and Gibson interviews:

Okay, so hopefully these clips illustrate her lack of knowledge of basic US and world history, not to mention her dogmatism and ignorance. But don't let it seem like I'm singling her out her here. I know that most politicians are a far cry from scholars, but Palin has demonstrated that she knows so little about politics that the average American gets a kick out of seeing her try to talk about it.

But here's what grinds my gears. Instead of disappearing, Palin writes a book and gets millions of dollars from all the stupid people who were stupid enough to read it. At the time, I thought that the publishing of this book was an obvious stunt and a huge attempt at getting some money out of "the base." Yeah, it was a dirty thing to do, but it didn't really surprise me any.

Now, Sarah Palin is a correspondent for Faux News, and recently spoke at an astroturf Tea Party organization that is trying to make it appear as though there is not a gigantic rift between Tea Party supporters and the Republican party agenda. Now she says she won't rule out running against Obama in 2012.

Let's cut right to the heart of what's been bothering me this whole time: WHY is this woman still around? If the American public has shown repeatedly that they find her unfavorable (as evidenced by countless polls conducted since the last election), why are all the large media outlets finding this so important as to put it on the "top stories" section of their websites (and thus Google News)? Why does it matter what this unintelligent bozo who was soundly whipped in the last election has to say with regard to politics? So, why can't Sarah Palin just fade into the background?

My conclusion: The reason is because Fox News and the Republicans insist on continuing to use her as a figurehead for the conservative political machine. I can only guess the implications surrounding this decision, but I think that campaigners are looking to wage more attacks of the personal and illogical kind rather than tout her non-existent qualifications. She's unlike Octomom (in that she won't fade away) because she is continuing to be manipulated as an icon by the GOP.

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